Bones (Asthi Dhatu)
“Asthi Dhatu” refers to the bone tissue. Ayurveda recognizes seven Dhatus, which are the fundamental
“Asthi Dhatu” refers to the bone tissue. Ayurveda recognizes seven Dhatus, which are the fundamental
Kati Basti is a traditional Ayurvedic therapy that involves the application of warm herbal oil
In Ayurveda, female infertility is often attributed to various imbalances in the body, including the
In Ayurveda, fragrance, or “gandha,” is considered an important aspect of healing and well-being. It
In Ayurveda, enema therapy, known as “Basti,” is considered one of the Panchakarma treatments, which
Netra Tarpan is a traditional Ayurvedic eye care therapy. It involves the application of medicated
According to Ayurveda, consuming stale or old food can have various negative effects on the
Ayurvedic texts describe milk as having a sweet taste (madhura rasa) and a cooling energy