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Raktamokshana is a therapeutic procedure in Ayurveda that involves the removal of a small amount of blood from the body to help eliminate accumulated toxins and balance the doshas. The term “Raktamokshana” is derived from the Sanskrit words “rakta” (blood) and “mokshana” (liberation or removal).

Raktamokshana is considered one of the Panchakarma treatments, although it is not as commonly practiced as other procedures like Vamana (therapeutic emesis) or Virechana (purgation). It is typically used when there is an excess of impure or vitiated blood in the body, which may contribute to various health conditions.

There are different methods of performing Raktamokshana, and the specific technique is chosen based on the individual’s condition and the practitioner’s expertise. Here are some common methods:

  1. Jalauka (Leech) Therapy: This method involves the application of medicinal leeches to specific areas of the body. The leeches draw out blood while simultaneously releasing their saliva, which contains natural anticoagulants and anti-inflammatory substances. Jalauka therapy is believed to be effective in conditions such as skin diseases, joint disorders, and circulatory problems.
  2. Siravedha (Venipuncture): In this method, a specific vein or vein point is selected, and a small amount of blood is withdrawn using a sterile needle or lancet. The choice of the vein and the amount of blood extracted depends on the individual’s condition and the therapeutic goal. Siravedha is commonly used to address conditions related to blood disorders, toxicity, or localized congestion.
  3. Prachana (Scarification): This technique involves superficial incisions made on specific sites of the body using a surgical knife or a specialized instrument. The incisions are shallow and designed to release a controlled amount of blood. Prachana is often employed for treating skin disorders, chronic wounds, and localized inflammatory conditions.

Raktamokshana is typically performed under strict aseptic conditions by a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. Before the procedure, the person’s overall health, doshic imbalances, and the appropriateness of Raktamokshana for their specific condition are carefully assessed.

Following Raktamokshana, the individual may be advised to follow certain dietary and lifestyle recommendations to support the healing process and maintain balance. Adequate post-treatment care is essential to ensure proper recovery.